A well thought out Search Engine Optimisation strategy is without doubt the most vital element for any website and internet marketing campaign.

In brief, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the method of increasing the visibility of a website and web page in a search engin’s organic or unpaid search results.

Rave Marketing SEO/SEM team lives and breathes the world of search – utilising best practices to make your business rank ahead of the competition.

Our SEO process

Evolving keywords

With no limits, you receive ever-evolving keywords under the Search Engine Optimisation service. This ensures we can constantly test and adapt keywords to ensure your site is as optimised as it possibly can be.

Optimised by real experts

We look at every aspect of your website to ensure that it has the best opportunity to succeed. We include ongoing search engine optimisation as part of your monthly package.

The right kind of traffic

All of our SEO strategies are geared towards getting you the right kind of traffic. From choosing the right keywords to making sure users land on the right page of your site, we optimise the chance of conversion from search visitors.

Website changes

Our developers can make quick and easy changes to your website so that you don’t have to outsource elsewhere. Don’t pay huge amounts for a CMS tweak or uploading a new image – utilise our expertise to get pesky SEO updates done.

The opportunities are endless when you have real experts managing your SEO

Our specialists focus on:

  • Keyword planner
  • Competitor review
  • SEO rollout plan
  • SEO related content suggestions
  • Ongoing site maintenance
  • Website auditing as required
  • Conversion optimisation suggestions
  • SEO related website changes and adjustments
  • Monthly meetings to discuss results and activities of your service