This document describes how we collect cookies through, hereinafter simply referred to as the “Website”. The terms “we”, “us”, “our” refer to Rave Marketing Services LTD, a legal entity registered under the laws of Hong Kong.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file downloaded onto your ‘terminal equipment (e.g., a computer or smartphone) when you access the Website. It allows us to recognize your device and store some information about your preferences or past actions.

Cookies are downloaded by your internet browser the first time you visit the Website. The next time you visit the Website from the same device, the cookies and the information stored in it are either sent back to the Website that generated it (first-party cookie) or to a different website to which it belongs (third-party cookie).

There are two main kinds of cookies: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are erased when you close your browser or mobile application. Persistent cookies remain on your device for a predefined period.

We use session cookies, persistent cookies, and other similar technologies (“Cookies”).

Why do we use cookies?

Strictly Necessary cookies

To enable the work of the Website and provide users with a usable interface (to provide you with the services). The Website cannot function properly without these cookies. These cookies do not store any personally identifiable information.

Other types of Cookies are used for the following purposes:

  • To analyze statistics of the Website use (aggregate data without personal identification of the device) and conduct our marketing research via our developments and Google Analytics. These cookies allow us to understand how visitors interact with the Website and to improve the performance thereof;
  • To personalize the Website content and serve you with personalized advertisements;
  • To recognize that you are visiting the Website again and adapt it for your needs.

Please note that we will store the information about cookies for up to 12 months after your last visit to our Website. Certain cookies may have their own automatically determined storage periods beyond our control. For more information about retention periods, please scan the Website using cookie scanner services, such as

Managing Cookies

We can place cookies on your device by default if they are strictly necessary for the Website operation. For all other types of cookies, we need your consent.

Unless you choose otherwise, we can store and process only those cookies that are necessary for the Website operation. If you prefer not to be tracked by other types of cookies, you can refuse your initial consent or opt-out later.

You can check the specific types of cookies in the pop-up window shown during your first visit to the Website. By clicking “Accept”, you agree with the use of cookies for all the above purposes.

Declining other types of cookies will affect your experience on our Website since there will be no personalization and recognition of devices during the subsequent uses of the Website.

You can change or withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us in the Contact section. Also, your web browser allows you to control and limit cookies on the device.

Please bear in mind that disabling all our cookies in your browser settings may lead to failure in the operation of certain sections or features of our Website. Therefore, we recommend using the Cookie Settings on our Website instead of disabling them.

Last update: Jan 1, 2023